Friday, 14 May 2010


The prisoner logo caught my eye when I realised that the number 6 is sat in the middle of the "O" I think this is a subtle piece of design that relates to the programs character named six.

Friday, 7 May 2010


After looking at design agencies work online I found work by Music that I find really Interesting and Influential to my designs.


I found that looking at other designers typefaces made it easier to start designing my own. Having something to use for reference is important.


Alan Fletcher at the Cube Gallery.

Alan Fletcher was a big influential figure in Graphic Design. He was co-founder of fletcher/forbes/gill in the 1960's and pentagram in the 1970's. Fletcher, Forbes and Gill all believed that Graphic Design should consist of design solutions derived from a subject matter with no pre-conceived graphic style. Fletcher was associated with designers such as Paul Rand, Saul Bass and Josef Albers.

I visited the Alan Fletcher Exhibition at the Cube Gallery, it explored Fletchers most famous commercial work for clients including Olivetti, ICI, and his personal work including his Illustration, Lettering and Collages. It became obvious to me why Fletcher is still a big influence on design today. His work is vibrant and really stood out also his passion for typography was evident. I enjoyed looking at his calender designs in many languages. I found it interesting that Fletcher pushed his boundaries and used other languages to create something for the world.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Competition brief Metro

This is the beginning of the competition brief. The strap line I have decided on is;

This is a story board for an interactive moving image display found in railways stations, airports and tube stations.

Together Trust

When given this brief we were to work in pairs. Me and my partner discussed the message we wanted to speak. Do You Care Enough To Care? this message was directed at those who have considered fostering, those that already foster and those that do not foster but have the space. Do you care enough to care means do you care enough physically and emotionally enough to care for a child in need of fostering. We decided we wanted to make this campaign more personal for the children that need fostering. We came up with ideas after ideas and we worked with our best ones. We used the bedroom door and a plaque to get the message across. we also used fridge magnets which we found was the best idea to use. Fridge magnets are found in many house olds and made the campaign personal. we played on the idea of items found around the house. We wrote Do You care enough to care on a pad in child like hand writing and in the together trust typeface. All our ideas were liked and were considered for the final campaign. The idea we that was liked the most was the fridge magnets.

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My Designs for 3rd year Photography.

These are a few of my designs for the posters and invites for the photography degree.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

LIVE briefs

3rd year Photography Degree Show Brief.

Show Date 27th June 2010

We require various graphics to market our show. We need to attract;

Professional Photographers
Also students & staff from all Manchester Colleges and Universities.

Our work can be described as;
Documentary and Fine Art Photography.
We are a group if photographers that are putting on a show of varying and diverse work but as a group, not individuals

Suggested items to design and quote for;
Invites for professionals
Catalogue of Work

Budget £200 + costs for printing.

Portfolio Visits

My second visit was at Adidas in Hazel Grove. When I signed in at reception I could see thru to the canteen area surrounded by shops which included an adidas shop. The work of adidas can be found situated all around the canteen area and corridors. Trainers designs in cabinets mounted on walls and clothing designs placed on mannequins. This is a really good idea because this allows future clients and future and current interns to use for referencing. When it was time to show my portfolio to one of their designers I was taken through to the canteen and we sat in private in a booth. I found the atmosphere really friendly and also found myself answering questions based on my work and studies at Stockport College. I shown my portfolio and explained a little bit about the brief given. I got some really good feedback on my work, I noticed that it was all positive comments. I was also given advice on how to get a job when I graduate which I found very helpful because it gave me an insight on what I could be doing whilst in my third year in order to get myself recognized in the industry.


David Airey

As a self-employed graphic designer do you find you receive equal amounts of work as a design company does?

I stay busy, that's for sure

Do you agree with design agencies wanting students with experience of working in the industry but not wiling to give the experience themselves?

No. Everyone should be given a chance to learn, and I hope that through my blogs and my book, I'm doing a little to teach those without prior opportunities

Have you considered giving some experience yourself by allowing students to work along side you?

As a sole trader working from home, it's not currently possible to take on an intern, but I do everything I can to answer questions through my websites

The view from your window is beautiful do you find that your surroundings inspires your work?

Edinburgh is a fantastic place to live. It might well be that I move somewhere a little quieter if I have the chance to start a family of my own, but for now, I'm very happy, and yes, the creative surroundings do help.

I am considering doing freelance design until I graduate university. I am hoping this may open doors to my future. Do you have any advice on how to get myself out there?

Tell everyone you know what you do. Publish a blog. Contact studios you want experience with. Treat people with respect. Be humble

Portfolio Visits

My first portfolio visit was with Chris from Thoughtful. Thoughtful is a design agency whose studio is based in Stockport College and consists of three members. I started off by showing chris my work by briefly explaining the brief given for each piece. Once I had shown my portfolio Chris gave me some feed back based on presentation, how I presented myself and also on my work. He mentioned I had a good body of work within my portfolio and is well presented. However a few areas could be improved. He talked about my type faces and how much better they would look if I put them in a more interesting layout rather than leaving them in a more organized layout of quotes I had found in a book I am constantly using for reference " The Art Of Looking Sideways". The quotes I have used are quotes relating to my experience within design. Chris also commented on the Live Surface page, to enlarge the image to full page but to also take my own photography instead of using the same as every one else. I presented myself well by being very confident when speaking about my work and also taking on all the advice given to me for future visits.

Guest Lecturers

Thoughtful Presentation

Thoughtful is a Graphic Design agency whose studio is based at Stockport College.
They delivered Graphic Design students a presentation based on their Inspirations, Wise Words and Thoughfulism.

Stuarts Inspirations;

Daniel Eatock
Free Kick by David Beckham
Orange Peel
David La Chapelle
Hype Williams
Hamer and Tongues
Spike Jonze
Films by Stanley Kubrick
Radio Head
Droga 5
The Great Schlep

Chris's Inspiration

Blue apple logo
Hamster shredder
Split key ring
Bic cutlery
money box hammer
PUYL bike light pump
is below jacket
the rolling bench
metal detecting sandals
Rice Baby

Wise words and thoughfulism

Patrick Baglee- to be interesting you have to be interested

Paula Scher- Only work with the best even if you dont get paid

Greg Quinton- You must earn the right to do great work

Micheal Wolff- The chair is your enemy

Adrian Shaughnessy- Preparation prevents piss poor performance

Jonathon Baldwin- Learn to make connections

Tony Davidson- Embrace change

James Corazzo- Never never never give up.

Thoughful's Presentation was really good. I enjoyed it because they kept it funny and interesting.
They showed some of their best work an what inspired them. Some of their inspirations were things I have never seen before.
I really liked the hamster wheel idea. The idea was to have a large hamster wheel on the beach to create imprints of typography quickly. Overall Thoughtful showed me their inspirations and inspired me in the process.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Corona End sting

This is my final story board for the end sting.

Corona End sting

This is my final out come for the Corona End sting. I found this project. I really enjoyed learning how to use a program I have never used before. At first it was really difficult to do certain things using flash but once I learnt the basics by playing around everything else was easier to find.