Wednesday, 5 May 2010


David Airey

As a self-employed graphic designer do you find you receive equal amounts of work as a design company does?

I stay busy, that's for sure

Do you agree with design agencies wanting students with experience of working in the industry but not wiling to give the experience themselves?

No. Everyone should be given a chance to learn, and I hope that through my blogs and my book, I'm doing a little to teach those without prior opportunities

Have you considered giving some experience yourself by allowing students to work along side you?

As a sole trader working from home, it's not currently possible to take on an intern, but I do everything I can to answer questions through my websites

The view from your window is beautiful do you find that your surroundings inspires your work?

Edinburgh is a fantastic place to live. It might well be that I move somewhere a little quieter if I have the chance to start a family of my own, but for now, I'm very happy, and yes, the creative surroundings do help.

I am considering doing freelance design until I graduate university. I am hoping this may open doors to my future. Do you have any advice on how to get myself out there?

Tell everyone you know what you do. Publish a blog. Contact studios you want experience with. Treat people with respect. Be humble

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