Planning of studio visits.

A couple of weeks ago a fellow student and myself decided to travel to manchester to visit the design agencies with our portfolio's instead of emailing them and waiting weeks for a reply or even a date to go in and visit them, due to the sheer volume of work the agencies have. We decided that we would take some biscuits with us to try and subtle the cheekiness we had by just walking in and asking them to look at our portfolio's. At first we were really nervous at the idea and decided to do it anyway. We traveled to Manchester when the other students were in Berlin so we did not miss out on any of our studio time. During our time in Manchester we managed to get our portfolio visits and had a chat with the designers. We visited the following agencies:

Creative Spark
Pixel 8
Glorious Creative

All the agencies were friendly and gave us their contact details when they were unable to help us by looking at our portfolio's. After our eventful day we took a trip into the German Xmas Markets to celebrate.